Home Security Consultants


Protecting Your Home During a Recession & Practical Tips to Prevent Burglaries

As the UK enters a recession, burglary rates are predicted to increase, with a house being burgled every 106 seconds in 2022. This is a concerning trend, especially for vulnerable seniors who are more likely to be targeted in unprotected homes. In this article, we will delve into the different types of burglaries and the vulnerable features that burglars exploit.

We will also provide practical tips on how to prevent burglaries and what to do in case you become a victim. Furthermore, we will highlight the serious consequences of burglaries and the negative impact they can have on victims. Keep reading to discover how to protect your home and keep it secure.

Types of Burglaries:

Opportunistic burglaries

Most burglaries that take place are opportunistic, with burglars taking advantage of poor home security. They look for any opening they can take advantage of, specifically doors and windows. To prevent opportunistic burglaries, it’s important to ensure that your doors and windows are properly secured. This can be done by installing good quality locks and bolts, and making sure that all windows are closed and locked when you’re not at home.

Vulnerable features:

Burglars often look for homes with windows or doors left open or with vulnerable features that they can exploit. Some vulnerable features include:

  • Poor quality locks: Make sure your locks are of good quality and that they are functioning properly.
  • Old or damaged doors and windows: These can be easily broken into. Consider upgrading to newer, stronger ones.
  • Unsecured garages and sheds: These are often easy targets as they are not as secure as the main house and contain tools that burglars can use to gain entry.
  • Visible valuables: Keep valuables out of sight from windows and doors to avoid tempting burglars.
  • Absence of outdoor lighting: Install motion sensor lights to deter burglars from approaching your property.

Recurring burglaries:

It’s a fact that many burglars return to homes that they’ve previously burgled because the homeowner failed to upgrade security following the first burglary. To prevent recurring burglaries:

  • Upgrade your security measures after a burglary.
  • Make it obvious that you have upgraded your security measures, such as adding security cameras or visible alarms.
  • Get to know your neighbours and keep an eye out for suspicious activity in the area.
  • Report any suspicious activity to the police immediately.

Consequences of burglaries:

Burglary can be a devastating experience, causing turmoil, depression, and stress-related illnesses. Some victims never fully recover from the experience of a home burglary, with some resulting in moving home that they have lived in for many years. It’s important to take steps to prevent burglaries and protect your home and family.

6 Practical Tips for Protecting Your Home from Burglary

Improve Home Security

Most burglaries happen when an opportunist criminal takes advantage of poor home security. They look for any opening they can exploit, such as unlocked doors or windows. Therefore, it’s essential to secure your home’s doors and windows properly. Install sturdy locks, deadbolts, and security bars to keep intruders out. You can also consider investing in a home security system with motion sensors, alarms, and cameras.

Don’t Make Your Home a Target

Burglars often look for homes with vulnerable features that they can exploit. They also target homes where they believe nobody is at home. To avoid being targeted, avoid leaving valuables in plain sight, especially near windows or doors. Also, invest in good-quality curtains or blinds to prevent prying eyes from seeing inside your home. Additionally, make sure to have someone collect your mail, newspapers, or parcels if you’re away for an extended period.

Use Exterior Lighting

Burglars prefer to operate in the dark, so make it hard for them by using exterior lighting. Motion-activated lights can startle burglars and make them feel exposed. Install lights in all areas that provide access to your home, including the garage, shed, and backyard.

Secure Your Shed and Garage

Sheds and garages are often vulnerable as they’re not that secure and contain tools that burglars can use to assist them in gaining entry to your home. Ensure your garage and shed doors have sturdy locks, and consider installing motion-activated lights and alarms.

Upgrade Your Home Security After a Burglary

It’s a fact that many burglars return to homes they’ve previously burgled because the homeowner failed to upgrade their home security following the first burglary. They may also return to an area to try to burgle a nearby home that they spotted while committing a previous break-in. After a burglary, ensure you upgrade your home security by installing new locks, a security system, or reinforcing your doors and windows.

Stay Vigilant and Get to Know Your Neighbours

Burglars typically do not want to be seen or heard, and if they feel they’d be noticed by a neighbour or passer-by, they’re more likely to feel exposed and may move on. Therefore, get to know your neighbours and stay vigilant. Keep an eye out for any suspicious activity in your neighbourhood and report it to the authorities.


In conclusion, burglary can be a devastating experience that can cause turmoil, depression, and stress-related illness. By taking a few simple steps, you can protect your home and reduce the chances of it being burgled during a recession in the UK. Remember to improve your home security, don’t make your home a target, use exterior lighting, secure your shed and garage, upgrade your home security after a burglary, and stay vigilant. Stay safe and secure!