Home Security Consultants


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We’re committed to providing our customers with the best possible security solutions. That’s why we’ve created a blog where we share our knowledge and expertise to help you stay safe and secure at home.

The Emotional Impact of Burglary Coping with the Aftermath

The Emotional Impact of Burglary Coping with the Aftermath

Burglary is a crime that can have a profound emotional impact on the victims, causing them to feel vulnerable, unsafe, and violated. It can lead to a range of negative emotional states, including anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In this article, we will examine the emotional impact of burglary on victims, particularly in the UK, and explore ways…

Protecting Your Home During a Recession & Practical Tips to Prevent Burglaries

Protecting Your Home During a Recession & Practical Tips to Prevent Burglaries

As the UK enters a recession, burglary rates are predicted to increase, with a house being burgled every 106 seconds in 2022. This is a concerning trend, especially for vulnerable seniors who are more likely to be targeted in unprotected homes. In this article, we will delve into the different types of burglaries and the vulnerable features that burglars exploit...